Sunday, January 5, 2025

Rio Grande Valley Rare Bird Alert - January 5, 2025

Rarities in the Rio Grande Valley, from West to East: 

*Say's Phoebes, Anna's Hummingbirds, Palm Warblers and Eastern Bluebirds are unusually plentiful this season and, though rare for the area, will not be listed below. Check eBird for recent sightings of these species. 

Starr County

A male Rose-throated Becard was seen at Salineno on 12/29 along the river trail and has been reported daily through 1/4.  Red-billed Pigeon,and Muscovy Duck have been sporadic here this year. Morelet's Seedeaters have been reported periodically throughout the fall and are closely associated with the cane grass right along the river trail and on the island. A Golden-crowned Kinglet was reported on 12/11 continuing through 12/29 and a Winter Wren on 12/11 also continuing through 12/29, and a Song Sparrow on 1/1. 

Santa Margarita RanchBrown JayMottled Owl, Muscovy Duck, Rose-throated Becard, Red-billed Pigeon, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, and Hook-billed Kite have been present here in recent weeks. Site admission is through pre-arranged guided access only.

Below is a list of guides offering tours to Santa Margarita Ranch, in alphabetical order by last name. Visiting birders should be aware that there is a Facebook page that excludes some guides and does not include all tour options available to visiting birders. Contact those below for full access to your visitation options. 

Cameron Cox: 

Jesse Huth:

Zach Johnson / Simon Kiacz: 

Ryan Rodriguez: 

Hidalgo County

Two Green-tailed Towhees were present at the Yturria Brush Tract of Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge, with at least one continuing through 12/27.

An Audubon's Oriole has been at Bentsen State Park from 11/7 through at least 1/3, most commonly near the La Familia Nature Center but also seen from Green Jay Blind. A Hook-billed Kite was seen on 12/25 perched near the Green Jay Blind. A Winter Wren was reported on 12/26. 

An Audubon's Oriole and a hybrid Audubon's x Altamira continue at the National Butterfly Center for the third year this season. A Winter Wren is present through 1/2. Bird feeding happens daily at 8:30 and 1:30. 

A Wood Duck was present at Quinta Mazatlan on 1/2 and 1/3. A Spotted Towhee was here through 1/1. 

Two to six Wood Ducks were at San Juan Wetlands on 12/23, with at least one continuing on 1/2.

A Red-breasted Merganser was at Donna Reservoir on 1/3 and 1/4. 

Four Wood Ducks were at Weslaco Wetlands on 12/21. 

Groove-billed Ani was at Estero Llano Grande State Park in Weslaco on 12/21, with two reported on 12/31. A Glossy x White-faced Ibis hybrid was here 1/2 and 1/3. A Winter Wren was here on 12/21 through 12/31. A Tropical Parula was reported in the tropical zone on 12/16. A Louisiana Waterthrush continues through 1/3.

Cameron County

Tropical Parula was reported at Los Fresnos Nature Park 11/28 through 12/8. 

Five late Groove-billed Anis were reported at Palo Alto Battlefield on 12/11. 

Tropical Parula was photographed at Mont Meta Cemetery near San Benito on 11/26. Two Groove-billed Anis were here on 1/2. 

Hermit Warbler continues at Buena Vista Cemetery in Brownsville through at least 1/4. A Tropical Parula was here through 12/29.

Tropical Parula was at Resaca de la Palma State Park on 11/11 and continued through 12/27. Some birders have reported two individuals. Two Dusky-capped Flycatchers were reported here on 11/15, with at least one continuing through 12/1. 

A possible Gray Gull was photographed at the Brownsville Landfill on 1/3 and continued on 1/4. From Justin: 

Open 7 am - 3:45 pm. Closed Sundays.

High-vis safety vests are REQUIRED. They have a few on hand but if a ton of people show up they will run out quick, so please bring your own and wear it while outside of your car.

Stop in at the office and sign in. Everyone should follow directions on where to drive and park - roughly up the road/hill to the right to where the active trash is being moved, and park out of the way by the yellow birding benches (yes they put up benches for us). 

They said they are OK with people walking down to the impoundments from there.  Walk straight south from where you parked to the edge of the hill facing all of the impoundments, and there should be a crappy 2-track "road" going down the hill diagonally to the left. Just always stay out of the way of passing vehicles. This access gives us incredibly close views of loafing gulls, so please be mindful of how you act and where you go there. 

If it's super windy or wet from recent rain, they will turn you away at the gate. Right now it's totally dry up there but we're supposed to get some rain next week. Staff are super friendly and happy to let birders in, so please continue to be respectful and thank them if you go!

Painted Bunting was found on the Laguna Vista Nature Trail on 12/21 and continues through 12/31. A Groove-billed Ani was here on 12/29 and up to four have been reported through 1/4. 

Tropical Parula was at Laguna Atascosa through 12/29. 

Purple Gallinule has been hanging out at the South Padre Island Birding & Nature Center since 10/24, bouncing around between this site and South Padre Island Convention Center, last reported on 12/18. 

Groove-billed Ani has been lingering at the South Padre Island Convention Center, most recently reported on 12/27. 

Tropical Parula was at Sabal Palm Sanctuary on 12/28. 

Grace's Warbler was a great find at Oliviera Park in Brownsville on 12/29 and has continued daily through 1/3. A Western Tanager continues through 1/3. 

Grace's Warbler at Oliviera Park in Brownsville. Photo by Michelle Cano. 

Willacy County

Sabine's Gull was found at Fred Stone County Park in Port Mansfield on 11/16 and, remarkably has been hanging around through at least 12/22.

Full, up-to-date county eBird Rare Bird Alert Reports:

StarrHidalgoCameron, Willacy 

A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all municipal and private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you for not using playback! 

Good Birding! 


Compiled by Tiffany Kersten 
Nature Ninja Birding Tours 

Additional resources for visiting birders may be found at

Rio Grande Valley Rare Bird Alert - Jan 19, 2025

  Rarities in the Rio Grande Valley, from West to East:  *Say's Phoebes, Anna's Hummingbirds, Palm Warblers and Eastern Bluebirds ar...