Sunday, November 26, 2023

Rio Grande Valley Rare Bird Alert - Nov 26, 2023

Rarities in the Rio Grande Valley, from West to East: 

Starr County

A Western Grebe was reported at Falcon Lake (technically on the Zapata County side, as the lake spans two counties) on 11/26. 

Morelet's Seedeaters have been hit or miss at Salineno recently. They are closely associated with the cane grass right along the river trail. 

Santa Margarita Ranch (restricted access): A BARE-THROATED TIGER HERON was seen 11/12 and heard at night on 11/25. A MOTTLED OWL was heard on 11/18 and has been seen a few times until at least 11/25. Salineno Birding Center is two miles upriver from this site and may be a good spot to keep an eye on the river. Several BROWN JAYS continue at Santa Margarita as well, having originally been found in March 2023, and five have been returning to oranges during weekly visits by birders. Red-billed Pigeons have been somewhat regular here as of recently. Rose-throated Becard, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Rock Wren and Morelet's Seedeater have also been present lately. Check the blog post for info on difficult terrain and site access. 

Hidalgo County

An adult ROADSIDE HAWK was found on 11/9 at Bentsen State Park on Roadrunner Trail and has not been relocated since. Hook-billed Kites have been sporadically seen this fall, mostly distantly from the hawk watch.

An adult Audubon's Oriole, as well as a young Audubon's / Altamira hybrid continue at the National Butterfly Center this season, through at least 11/19. This is a rare/irregular bird for Hidalgo County. A Dusky-capped Flycatcher was seen here on 11/23, continuing through at least 11/25.

At Roselawn Cemetery in McAllen, a Palm Warbler was found on 11/18 and a Blackpoll Warbler on 11/19. 

A Winter Wren was found at Edinburg Scenic Wetlands on 11/24, at the eastern edge of the park. A Green-tailed Towhee was here on 11/22 and continued through at least 11/25. A Tropical Parula continues through at least 11/24. 

GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER was found at Frontera Audubon on 11/7, continuing through at least 11/8. 

A female BLUE BUNTING was found at Estero Llano Grande State Park, near the entrance path and the Green Jay Trail, on 10/27 and continued through at least 11/4. One, then two, and now THREE Limpkin, with at least one continuing through at least 11/26.  A Townsend's Warbler was found at the entrance to the tropical zone on 11/11 through at least 11/13, as well as a Golden-crowned Kinglet. A Tropical Parula was in the parking lot 11/4 to at least 11/5. 

Cameron County

GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER continues at Hugh Ramsey Park, near Cypress Pond, through at least 11/25.  A Winter Wren was here on 11/7 continuing through at least . A late Summer Tanager continues through 11/8. A Zone-tailed Hawk (east for their typical range) was seen overhead a few times in November. 

Limpkin was found here near San Benito on 11/18.

Tropical Parula and Black-throated Gray Warbler were found at Los Fresnos Nature Park on 11/11 and continue though 11/26. 

Tropical Parula was found on 10/22 at Laguna Atascosa, near the Visitor Center, with two being found on 10/23, and at least one continuing through 11/26. (There's also a Northern x Tropical Parula hybrid in the area.) 

A juvenile ROADSIDE HAWK was found near the resaca along the tram route, at Resaca SP, on 11/7, and it continues (being seen sporadically, and often after investing time) through 11/26, splitting time at the same location and/or near the park entrance road. The third ABA record, and first Texas record, of of GRAY-COLLARED BECARD was identified on 11/25, with reports of the bird also having been seen on the morning of 11/24. It continued through sunset on 11/25 and was seen again the morning of 11/26, near the visitor center and water feature. A Tropical Parula was found on 11/12 and continues through at least 11/26. A Rose-throated Becard was found on 11/10 and continues in the parking lot and near the water feature through 11/26. A Western Tanager was seen here on 11/8 and continues through 11/26 as well. Male and female BLUE BUNTINGS have been seen sporadically over the month of November, in the gardens near the visitor center and near the boardwalk. A Western Flycatcher was reported on 11/24 and a Dusky-capped Flycatcher was reported on 11/26. A Golden-crowned Warbler was found on 11/26. 

Several late migrant songbirds continue at many locations in Cameron County. Too many to track! Check eBird hotspots for details. 

Willacy County

No rarities have been reported in Willacy County at this time, mostly due to lack of birder presence. 

***EXTRALIMITAL: Cattle Tyrant reported at intersection of Chaparral and Schnatzell in downtown Corpus Christi. Reported 11/12 and continuing through at least 11/26.

A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you for not using playback! 

Good Birding! 


Compiled by Tiffany Kersten 

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Rio Grande Valley Rare Bird Alert - Nov 19, 2023

Rarities in the Rio Grande Valley, from West to East: 

Starr County

A Snowy Plover was found at Falcon State Park on 11/16 and continues through at least 11/18. A Reddish Egret (rare inland) has been present at Falcon State Park through at least 11/18. 

Morelet's Seedeaters have been hit or miss at Salineno recently. They are closely associated with the cane grass right along the river trail. 

Santa Margarita Ranch (restricted access): A BARE-THROATED TIGER HERON was seen 11/12 and again on 11/16. Salineno Birding Center is two miles upriver from this site and may be a good spot to keep an eye on the river. Several BROWN JAYS continue at Santa Margarita as well, having originally been found in March 2023, and five have been returning to oranges during weekly visits by birders, though they were missed on several visits over the last week. A Limpkin was seen on 11/17. Red-billed Pigeons have been somewhat regular here as of recently. Rose-throated Becard, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Rock Wren and Morelet's Seedeater have also been present lately. Check the blog post for updates on sightings, difficult terrain, and site access. Check the blog post for updates on sightings, difficult terrain, and site access. 

Hidalgo County

An adult ROADSIDE HAWK was found on 11/9 at Bentsen State Park on Roadrunner Trail.  Red-naped Sapsucker was found at Bentsen State Park near the Nature Center on 10/17 and continued through at least 11/4. A Say's Phoebe was near the Kiskadee Blind on 11/13. Hook-billed Kites have been sporadically seen, mostly distantly from the hawk watch during the fall hawk count. A female Brewer's Blackbird was found near Kiskadee Overlook on 11/17. 

An adult Audubon's Oriole, as well as a young Audubon's / Altamira hybrid continue at the National Butterfly Center this season, through at least 11/19. This is a rare/irregular bird for Hidalgo County. A Red-billed Pigeon was seen here on 11/10, over the river. Two late Baltimore Orioles were here on 11/18. 

At Roselawn Cemetery in McAllen, a Palm Warbler was found on 11/18 and a Blackpoll Warbler on 11/19. 

A late Groove-billed Ani was at Pintail Lakes at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge on 11/16 and continues through at least 11/17. 

GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER was found at Frontera Audubon on 11/7, continuing through at least 11/8. 

A female BLUE BUNTING was found at Estero Llano Grande State Park, near the entrance path and the Green Jay Trail, on 10/27 and continued through at least 11/4. One, then two, and now THREE Limpkin, continuing through at least 11/11.  A Townsend's Warbler was found at the entrance to the tropical zone on 11/11 through at least 11/13, as well as a Golden-crowned Kinglet. A Tropical Parula was in the parking lot 11/4 to at least 11/5. 

Cameron County

GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER continues at Hugh Ramsey Park, near Cypress Pond, through at least 11/19.  A Winter Wren was here on 11/7 continuing through at least . A late Summer Tanager continues through 11/8. A Zone-tailed Hawk (east for their typical range) was seen overhead a few times between 11/3 and 11/11. 

A Limpkin was found here near San Benito on 11/18.

Tropical Parula and Black-throated Gray Warbler were found at Los Fresnos Nature Park on 11/11 and continues thought 11/17. 

An AMERICAN FLAMINGO was found at Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, resting on the water just out from Alligator Pond on 10/22, and was joined by a second individual on 10/23, both continuing through at least 11/14.  A Tropical Parula was also found on 10/22 at Laguna Atascosa, near the Visitor Center, with two being found on 10/23, and at least one continuing through 11/18. (There's also a Northern x Tropical Parula hybrid in the area.) A late Groove-billed Ani was heard along the trail to Alligator Lake on 11/7, and a late female Painted Bunting continues near the photo blind through at least 11/5. A flyover White-throated Swift was found on 11/9. 

Brewer's Sparrow was photographed at Palo Alto Battlefield on 11/2. A Green-tailed Towhee was found at near the covered viewing platform on 11/13. 

Spotted Towhee was seen at the Aplomado Viewing Area (eBird hotspot) on 11/7. 

A male BLUE BUNTING continues at Resaca de la Palma State Park through at least 11/18. A ROADSIDE HAWK was found near the resaca along the tram route, at Resaca SP, on 11/7, and it continues (being seen sporadically, and often after investing time) through 11/19 at the same location. A Tropical Parula was found on 11/12 and continues through 11/19. A Philadelphia Vireo was at the first curve along the tram road on 11/12. A Rose-throated Becard was found also at the first curve on 11/10 and continued through 11/17. A Western Tanager was seen here on 11/8 and continues through 11/19 as well. A late Groove-billed Ani continues around the visitor center through 11/16. 

A Broad-tailed Hummingbird was found at blind 3 at Laguna Vista Nature Trail on 11/16 and continues through 11/19. A Tropical Parula was found on 11/13 and continues through at least 11/17. 

South Padre Island Convention Center:  White-throated Sparrow 11/5, Green-tailed Towhee and Brown Thrasher on 11/4. Cassin's Kingbird, Spotted Towhee and Winter Wren 11/3. 

South Padre Island Birding & Nature Center: King Rail in the parking lot near the rotary bench (through at least 11/18), Western Tanager (through 11/12),  A late Red Knot continues through at least 11/13. 

Several late migrant songbirds continue at all three locations at South Padre Island. Too many to track! Check eBird hotspots for details. 

A Surf Scoter was found at Boca Chica Beach on 11/16. 

Willacy County

No rarities have been reported in Willacy County at this time, mostly due to lack of birder presence. 

***EXTRALIMITAL: Cattle Tyrant reported at intersection of Chaparral and Schnatzell in downtown Corpus Christi. Reported 11/12 and continuing through at least 11/19. 

A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you for not using playback! 

Good Birding! 


Compiled by Tiffany Kersten 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Rio Grande Valley Rare Bird Alert - Nov 12, 2023

Rarities in the Rio Grande Valley, from West to East: 

Starr County

A Reddish Egret (rare inland) has been present at Falcon State Park through at least 11/7.

Morelet's Seedeaters have been hit or miss at Salineno recently. They are closely associated with the cane grass right along the river trail. 

A BARE-THROATED TIGER HERON was seen (with photos) at Santa Margarita Ranch (restricted access) on 11/12. This area is restricted access (see access d. Salineno Birding Center is two miles upriver from this site and may be a good spot to keep an eye on the river. Several BROWN JAYS continue here as well, having originally been found in March 2023, and five have been returning to oranges during weekly visits by birders. Check the blog post for updates on sightings, difficult terrain, and site access. Red-billed Pigeons have been somewhat regular here as of recently. Rock Wren, Western Flycatcher, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, and Morelet's Seedeater have been seen here over the last week.  Check the blog post for updates on sightings, difficult terrain, and site access. 

Brown Jays have been seen very irregularly at Salineno along the river trail over the last six months, and the possibility exists that they may find the feeders at Salineno this upcoming season. The Salineno feeding station is re-opened for the season and will remain open through mid-March. 

Hidalgo County

An adult ROADSIDE HAWK was found on 11/9 at Bentsen State Park on Roadrunner Trail.  Red-naped Sapsucker was found at Bentsen State Park near the Nature Center on 10/17 and continued through at least 11/4. A Black-headed Grosbeak was seen in the same location on 11/11.  A Green-tailed Towhee was under the hawk tower on 11/11. Hook-billed Kites have been sporadically seen, mostly distantly from the hawk watch during the fall hawk count. 

An adult Audubon's Oriole, as well as a young Audubon's / Altamira hybrid continue at the National Butterfly Center this season, through at least 11/5. This is a rare/irregular bird for Hidalgo County. A Red-billed Pigeon was seen here on 11/10, over the river. 

A Limpkin was found at Anzaludas County Park on 11/7 and continues though at least 11/11. A Reddish Egret was found on 11/7 and continues through at least 11/9. 

An Eared Grebe and Rose-breasted Grosbeak were found at Edinburg Scenic Wetlands on 11/11.  

A Mallard x Northern Pintail hybrid was found at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge on 11/6. 

GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER was found at Frontera Audubon on 11/7, continuing through at least 11/8. 

A female BLUE BUNTING was found at Estero Llano Grande State Park, near the entrance path and the Green Jay Trail, on 10/27 and continued through at least 11/4. One, then two, and now THREE Limpkin, continuing through at least 11/11.  A Townsend's Warbler was found at the entrance to the tropical zone on 11/11, as well as a Golden-crowned Kinglet. A Tropical Parula was in the parking lot 11/4 to at least 11/5. 

Cameron County

GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER continues at Hugh Ramsey Park, near Cypress Pond, through at least 11/12. It was loosely associating with an Orange-crowned Warbler and a Wilson's Warbler. A Winter Wren was here on 11/7. A late Painted Bunting continues through 11/7. A Zone-tailed Hawk (east for their typical range) was seen overhead a few times between 11/3 and 11/11. 

A Tropical Parula and Black-throated Gray Warbler were found at Los Fresnos Nature Park on 11/11. 

An AMERICAN FLAMINGO was found at Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, resting on the water just out from Alligator Pond on 10/22, and was joined by a second individual on 10/23, both continuing through at least 11/11. A Tropical Parula was also found on 10/22 at Laguna Atascosa, near the Visitor Center, with two being found on 10/23, and at least one continuing through 11/7. (There's also a Northern x Tropical Parula hybrid in the area.) A late Groove-billed Ani was heard along the trail to Alligator Lake on 11/7, and a late female Painted Bunting continues near the photo blind through at least 11/5. A flyover White-throated Swift was found on 11/9. 

Brewer's Sparrow was photographed at Palo Alto Battlefield on 11/2. 

Spotted Towhee was seen at the Aplomado Viewing Area (eBird hotspot) on 11/7. 

A male BLUE BUNTING continues at Resaca de la Palma State Park through at least 11/7. A ROADSIDE HAWK was found near the resaca along the tram route, at Resaca SP, on 11/7, and it continues (being seen sporadically, and often after investing time) through 11/12 at the same location. A Tropical Parula was found on 11/12. A Philadelphia Vireo was at the first curve along the tram road on 11/12. A Rose-throated Becard was found also at the first curve on 11/10 and continued on 11/11 at Sabal Palm Sanctuary. A Western Tanager was seen here on 11/8 as well. 

Winter Wren was at the Valley Land Fund Lots / Sheepshead Street on 11/5, continuing through 11/6. Scarlet Tanager on 11/6, continuing through 11/8. 

South Padre Island Convention Center:  White-throated Sparrow 11/5, Green-tailed Towhee and Brown Thrasher on 11/4. Cassin's Kingbird, Spotted Towhee and Winter Wren 11/3. 

South Padre Island Birding & Nature Center: King Rail in the parking lot near the rotary bench (through 11/11), Western Tanager (through 11/12), Green-tailed Towhee (11/6), Bullock's Oriole (11/5). A late Red Knot continues through at least 11/10. 

Willacy County

California Gull was found on the beach on South Padre Island on 11/2.

***EXTRALIMITAL: Cattle Tyrant reported at intersection of Chaparral and Schnatzell in downtown Corpus Christi. Photos. 

A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you for not using playback! 

Good Birding! 


Compiled by Tiffany Kersten 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Rio Grande Valley Rare Bird Alert - Nov 8, 2023

Rarities in the Rio Grande Valley, from West to East: 

Starr County

Spotted Towhee was heard at Falcon State Park near the butterfly garden on 11/6. 

Morelet's Seedeaters have been hit or miss at Salineno recently. They are closely associated with the cane grass right along the river trail. 

Several BROWN JAYS continue at Santa Margarita Ranch (restricted access), having originally been found in March 2023, and five have been returning to oranges during weekly visits by birders. Check the blog post for updates on sightings, difficult terrain, and site access. Wild Muscovy Ducks, Red-billed Pigeons, Rose-throated Becards and Morelet's Seedeaters have been somewhat regular here as of recently. A Rufous-crowned Sparrow was found on 10/29. 

Brown Jays have been seen very irregularly at Salineno along the river trail over the last six months, and the possibility exists that they may find the feeders at Salineno this upcoming season. The Salineno feeding station is re-opened for the season and will remain open through mid-March. 

Hidalgo County

Red-naped Sapsucker was found at Bentsen State Park near the Nature Center on 10/17 and continued through at least 11/4. A Green-tailed Towhee was reported near the second feeding station beyond the Nature Center on 10/26. Hook-billed Kites have been sporadically seen, mostly distantly from the hawk watch during the fall hawk count. 

An adult Audubon's Oriole, as well as a young Audubon's / Altamira hybrid continue at the National Butterfly Center this season, through at least 11/5. This is a rare/irregular bird for Hidalgo County. 

Green-tailed Towhee was found at Quinta Mazatlan on 10/25. 

A Mallard x Northern Pintail hybrid was found at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge on 11/6. 

GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER was found at Frontera Audubon on 11/7, continuing through at least 11/8. 

A female BLUE BUNTING was found at Estero Llano Grande State Park, near the entrance path and the Green Jay Trail, on 10/27 and continued through at least 11/4. One, then two, and now THREE LIMPKIN, continuing through at least 11/7.  A flyover Canada Goose was seen here on 11/3. A Tropical Parula was in the parking lot 11/4 to at least 11/5. 

Cameron County

GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER continues at Hugh Ramsey Park, near Cypress Pond, through at least 11/8. It was loosely associating with an Orange-crowned Warbler and a Wilson's Warbler. A Winter Wren was here on 11/7. A late Painted Bunting continues through 11/7. A Zone-tailed Hawk (east for their typical range) was seen overhead on 11/3. 

An AMERICAN FLAMINGO was found at Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, resting on the water just out from Alligator Pond on 10/22, and was joined by a second individual on 10/23, both continuing through 11/8. A Tropical Parula was also found on 10/22 at Laguna Atascosa, near the Visitor Center, with two being found on 10/23, and at least one continuing through 11/7. (There's also a Northern x Tropical Parula hybrid in the area.) A late Groove-billed Ani was heard along the trail to Alligator Lake on 11/7, and a late female Painted Bunting continues near the photo blind through at least 11/5. 

Brewer's Sparrow was photographed at Palo Alto Battlefield on 11/2. 

A Spotted Towhee was seen at the Aplomado Viewing Area (eBird hotspot) on 11/7. 

A male BLUE BUNTING continues at Resaca de la Palma State Park through at least 11/7. A ROADSIDE HAWK was found near the resaca along the tram route, at Resaca SP, on 11/7. According to staff reports, it was present the majority of the day on 11/7, and it continues on 11/8 in the same location. A Western Tanager was seen here on 11/8 as well. 

Winter Wren was at the Valley Land Fund Lots / Sheepshead Street on 11/5, continuing through 11/6. Scarlet Tanager on 11/6, continuing through 11/8. 

South Padre Island Convention Center:  White-throated Sparrow 11/5, Green-tailed Towhee and Brown Thrasher on 11/4. Cassin's Kingbird, Spotted Towhee and Winter Wren 11/3. 

South Padre Island Birding & Nature Center: King Rail (11/8), Yellow-breasted Chat (11/7), Western Tanager (11/6), Green-tailed Towhee (11/6), Bullock's Oriole (11/5)

A female Surf Scoter was photographed on the SPI jetty on 11/4. 

Willacy County

California Gull was found on the beach on South Padre Island on 11/2.

A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you for not using playback! 

Good Birding! 


Compiled by Tiffany Kersten 

Monday, November 6, 2023

Rio Grande Valley Rare Bird Alert - Nov 7, 2023

A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you for not using playback! 

The Valley from West to East: 

Starr County

A Spotted Towhee was heard at Falcon State Park near the butterfly garden on 11/6. 

Morelet's Seedeaters have been hit or miss at Salineno recently. They are closely associated with the cane grass right along the river trail. 

Several BROWN JAYS continue at Santa Margarita Ranch (restricted access), having originally been found in March 2023, and five have been returning to oranges during weekly visits by birders. Check the blog post for updates on sightings, difficult terrain, and site access. Wild Muscovy Ducks, Red-billed Pigeons, Rose-throated Becards and Morelet's Seedeaters have been somewhat regular here as of recently. A Rufous-crowned Sparrow was found on 10/29. 

Brown Jays have been seen very irregularly at Salineno along the river trail over the last six months, and the possibility exists that they may find the feeders at Salineno this upcoming season. The Salineno feeding station is re-opened for the season and will remain open through mid-March. 

Hidalgo County

Red-naped Sapsucker was found at Bentsen State Park near the Nature Center on 10/17 and continued through at least 11/4. A Green-tailed Towhee was reported near the second feeding station beyond the Nature Center on 10/26. Hook-billed Kites have been sporadically seen, mostly distantly from the hawk watch during the fall hawk count. 

An adult Audubon's Oriole, as well as a young Audubon's / Altamira hybrid continue at the National Butterfly Center this season, through at least 11/5. This is a rare/irregular bird for Hidalgo County. 

Green-tailed Towhee was found at Quinta Mazatlan on 10/25. 

A Mallard x Northern Pintail hybrid was found at Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge on 11/6. 

A GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER was found at Frontera Audubon on 11/7, at the back of the parking lot. 

A female BLUE BUNTING was found at Estero Llano Grande State Park, near the entrance path and the Green Jay Trail, on 10/27 and continued through at least 11/4. One, then two, and now THREE LIMPKIN continue through at least 11/6.  A flyover Canada Goose was seen here on 11/3. A Tropical Parula was in the parking lot 11/4 to at least 11/5. 

Cameron County

GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER continues at Hugh Ramsey Park, near Cypress Pond, through at least 11/6. A Zone-tailed Hawk (east for their typical range) was seen overhead on 11/3. 

An AMERICAN FLAMINGO was found at Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge, resting on the water just out from Alligator Pond on 10/22, and was joined by a second individual on 10/23, both continuing through at least 11/6. A Tropical Parula was also found on 10/22 at Laguna Atascosa, near the Visitor Center, with two being found on 10/23, and at least one continuing through 10/28. There's also a Northern x Tropical Parula hybrid in the area. A late female Painted Bunting continues near the photo blind through at least 11/5. 

A Brewer's Sparrow was photographed at Palo Alto Battlefield on 11/2. 

A male BLUE BUNTING continues at Resaca de la Palma State Park through at least 11/7. A ROADSIDE HAWK was found near the resaca, at Resaca, on 11/7. According to staff reports, it was present the majority of the day. 

A Winter Wren was at the Valley Land Fund Lots / Sheepshead Street on 11/5, continuing through 11/6. Scarlet Tanager on 11/6. 

South Padre Island Convention Center: Bullock's Oriole on 11/5. A Brown Creeper was seen here on 11/4. Two Cassin's Kingbirds were found here in the first days of November, present though at least 11/3. A Spotted Towhee and Brown Thrasher were also present on 11/4. A Whip-poor-will was found on 11/1. 

South Padre Island Birding & Nature Center: King Rail and White-throated Sparrow, and Green-tailed Towhee continue through at least 11/5. Say's Phoebe, Purple Gallinule, and Western Tanager 11/4, Spotted Towhee and Winter Wren through at least 11/3. 

A female Surf Scoter was photographed on the SPI jetty on 11/4. 

Willacy County

A California Gull was found on the beach on South Padre Island on 11/2.

Good Birding! 


Compiled by Tiffany Kersten