Tuesday, January 31, 2023

RGV RBA - January 30, 2023

A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you!

The Valley from West to East: 

Starr County

A wandering group of five BROWN JAYS (at least three immatures) were photographed on the trail at Salineno on 12/12/22. Only negative reports since. Tropical jays are notorious for wandering far distances, so keep an eye out for these anywhere in Starr or Zapata counties. No recent reports.

A Morelet's Seedeater has been sporadic near the west end of the trail at Salineno, more often heard than seen along the waters edge. Seedeaters are easier to find further up river and were at Bravo Park in Zapata County recently. 

A pair of Muscovy Ducks were reported on 1/20 at Salineno. Most birds from remote riverside spots are wild but domestics have been seen. 

A couple of Rock Wrens were reported from Starr County recently. One at Falcon SP near the Cenizo Loop showers and another from the dam itself. 

Hidalgo County

A Prairie Falcon was found on 1/29 in the fields southwest of McCook in NW Hidalgo Co. This area is a traditional Mountain Plover wintering area but none have been seen recently. 

A young male ROSE-THROATED BECARD has been present over the last few months at Bentsen State Park, wandering mostly between the Nature Center (south of the main gate) and the boat ramp, typically at or near the nature center. It's been reported near the Nature Center through at least 1/30. 

A Red-breasted Nuthatch, a good bird for the RGV, has been present at Bentsen State Park wandering between the Headquarters and Nature Center / Maintenance Yard with a mixed flock through at least 1/29. 

Up to FOUR different Winter Wrens have been present at Bentsen State Park in various different areas. Most sightings have been from the headquarters and first section of road. Last reported at the visitors center on 1/16. 

It's been a phenomenal fall for HOOK-BILLED KITES, with up to eight being seen somewhat reliably near the Bentsen State Park hawk tower. They have been seen from the tram road and Roadrunner Trail in recent days, feeding in the trees north and west of the hawk tower. Walk very slowly and meticulously search the trees. It is very easy to walk right past one. When reporting, PLEASE include plumage details. The kites have started to be a bit less reliable from down below but still around. They have been seen soaring from the hawk tower recently as well. 

The National Butterfly Center has been hosting an Audubon's Oriole all across the gardens and trails. With it is an Audubon's x Altamira Oriole hybrid that hatched at the park earlier this year and the regular Altamiras. Be sure to check into the visitors pavilion on the way in.  A Winter Wren continued here through at least 1/29

A male Black-headed Grosbeak was found at amphitheater feeding station at Quinta Mazatlan on 1/12 and continues through at least 1/20. A Winter Wren was also found on 1/19. 

Two Northern Flickers have been seen sporadically at Delta Lake Park on the northern side of the county. Last reported on 1/29.

At Santa Ana NWR a drake Mallard found back in December has been frequenting all the major lake complexes. Last reported on 1/30 on Cattail lakes. Two Wood Ducks were refound on 1/16 but not seen since. 

A rare in winter Dickcissel continues at Estero through 1/29 at the feeding station by the VC bathrooms. It is hanging out with the House Sparrows and Red-winged Blackbirds.

A female Broad-tailed Hummingbird was found and photographed on 1/25 at Estero's Indigo Blind. The blind is located on the south side of the tropical zone. The bird was in the same location the next day (1/26) but not seen after that afternoon. 

Cameron County

Two Tropical Parulas (or possible hybrids) have been seen recently at Laguna Atascosa NWR visitor center near the photo blind, with at least one seen through at least 1/19. Look for the mixed birds associating with a mixed passerine flock. A Brown crested Flycatcher (rare in winter) has also been seen in the same area recently. 

A Glossy Ibis has been observed from the Laguna Atascosa NWR Osprey Overlook wandering the shoreline alone. 

A stunning adult male Tropical Parula has been coming into the bird bath at blind #3 of the Laguna Vista Nature Trail. Found on 12/27 and continues through at least 1/21. This bird seems to be on a routine and makes an appearance at the bird bath mostly between 3pm and 4pm.

Another male Tropical Parula continues at Resaca de la Palma SP through 1/20 in the parking lot/visitors center area and has been joined by a second Tropical Parula type, though this may be a hybrid. Look for the mixed birds associating with a mixed passerine flock.

A Groove-billed Ani continues around Laguna Vista Trails bird blind #3 in the late afternoon as of at least 1/21. 

At Palo Alto Battlefield, a Sage Thrasher continues through at least 1/19 and is mostly seen in the general area of the blue cannon along the concrete pathway near the start of the Mexican battle line when it is up and perched.

A Winter Wren was recently photographed along the land bridge behind the library at UTRGV Brownsville. A Zone-tailed Hawk has also been frequenting the area. 

Tyrannulets have few and far between this winter, but one has been semi-reliable associating with a mixed flock in the Laguna Atascosa NWR Visitor Center trails, other Cameron County Tyrannulets have been reported from Adolph Thomae County Park in Arroyo City, and around the Resaca de la Palma SP parking lot. Other recent Tyrannulet locations include Bentsen State Park, the National Butterfly Center, Anzalduas County Park, Santa Ana NWR (all Hidalgo Co.), and the Harlingen Thicket.

Palm Warblers have been reported from several locations, including Old Port Isabel Rd. and UTRGV Brownsville. 

Sea watching has proven fruitful in the last couple of weeks, especially from the jetty on windy days. Recent notable sighting include Sooty Shearwater, Brown Booby, and Parasitic/Pomarine Jeagers.

The SOCIAL FLYCATCHER (fourth US record, first found in November 2021) at UTRGV Brownsville has not had a positive report since 1/7. The bird was usually on or near the land bridge (west end of the eastern resaca). Park at Lincoln Park and walk over. It has previously disappeared for a significant period of time before returning. 

Willacy County

A Ferruginous Hawk was photographed from the Raymondville Memorial Park Cemetery back on 12/30. 

Good Birding! 


Starr and Hidalgo County Reports Compiled by Tiffany Kersten (tiffanykersten@gmail.com) and Ryan Rodriguez.

Cameron and Willacy County Reports Compiled by Justin LeClaire (justin.leclaire87@gmail.com) and Javi Gonzalez. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

RGV Rare Bird Alert - Jan 23, 2023

A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you!

The Valley from West to East: 

Starr County

A wandering group of five BROWN JAYS (at least three immatures) were photographed on the trail at Salineno on 12/12/22. Only negative reports since. Tropical jays are notorious for wandering far distances, so keep an eye out for these anywhere in Starr or Zapata counties. No recent reports.

A Morelet's Seedeater has been sporadic near the west end of the trail at Salineno, more often heard than seen along the waters edge, continuing at least through 1/23. Seedeaters are easier to find further up river and were at Bravo Park in Zapata County recently. 

A pair of Muscovy Ducks were reported on 1/20 at Salineno. Most birds from remote riverside spots are wild but domestics have been seen. 

Hidalgo County

A young male ROSE-THROATED BECARD has been present sporadically over the last few weeks at Bentsen State Park, wandering mostly between the Nature Center (south of the main gate) and the boat ramp, typically at or near the nature center. It's been reported near the Nature Center through at least 1/23. 

A Red-breasted Nuthatch, a good bird for the RGV, has been present at Bentsen State Park wandering between the Headquarters and Nature Center / Maintenance Yard with a mixed flock through at least 1/22. 

Up to FOUR different Winter Wrens have been present at Bentsen State Park in various different areas. Most sightings have been from the headquarters and first section of road. Last reported at the visitors center on 1/16. 

It's been a phenomenal fall for HOOK-BILLED KITES, with up to eight being seen somewhat reliably near the Bentsen State Park hawk tower. They have been seen from the tram road and Roadrunner Trail in recent days, feeding in the trees north and west of the hawk tower. Walk very slowly and meticulously search the trees. It is very easy to walk right past one. When reporting, PLEASE include plumage details. The kites have started to be less reliable from down below but still around. They have been seen soaring from the hawk tower recently as well. 

The National Butterfly Center has been hosting an Audubon's Oriole all across the gardens and trails. With it is an Audubon's x Altamira Oriole hybrid that hatched at the park earlier this year and the regular Altamiras. Be sure to check into the visitors pavilion on the way in.  

A male Black-headed Grosbeak was found at amphitheater feeding station at Quinta Mazatlan on 1/12 and continues through at least 1/20. A Winter Wren was also found on 1/19. 

Two Northern Flickers have been seen sporadically at Delta Lake Park on the northern side of the county. Last reported on 1/14.

At Santa Ana NWR a drake Mallard found back in December has been frequenting all the major lake complexes. Last reported on 1/22 on Cattail lakes. Two Wood Ducks were refound on 1/16 but not seen since. 

An adult male ROSE-THROATED BECARD was found and photographed on 1/6 at Estero Llano Grande State Park. The Becard was found in the tropical zone by the Pauraque rec hall feeding station. It was seen again the next day in the same general area but no reports since 1/7. 

A rare in winter Dickcissel continues at Estero through 1/22 at the feeding station by the VC bathrooms. 

Cameron County

Two Tropical Parulas (or possible hybrids) have been seen recently at Laguna Atascosa NWR visitor center near the photo blind, with at least one seen through at least 1/19. Look for the mixed birds associating with a mixed passerine flock. A Brown crested Flycatcher (rare in winter) has also been seen in the same area recently. 

A Glossy Ibis has been observed from the Laguna Atascosa NWR Osprey Overlook wandering the shoreline alone. 

A stunning adult male Tropical Parula has been coming into the bird bath at blind #3 of the Laguna Vista Nature Trail. Found on 12/27 and continues through at least 1/21. This bird seems to be on a routine and makes an appearance at the bird bath mostly between 3pm and 4pm.

Another male Tropical Parula continues at Resaca de la Palma SP through 1/20 in the parking lot/visitors center area and has been joined by a second Tropical Parula type, though this may be a hybrid. Look for the mixed birds associating with a mixed passerine flock.

A Groove-billed Ani continues around Laguna Vista Trails bird blind #3 in the late afternoon as of at least 1/21. 

At Palo Alto Battlefield, a Sage Thrasher continues through at least 1/19 and is mostly seen in the general area of the blue cannon along the concrete pathway near the start of the Mexican battle line when it is up and perched.

A Winter Wren was recently photographed along the land bridge behind the library at UTRGV Brownsville. A Zone-tailed Hawk has also been frequenting the area. 

Tyrannulets have few and far between this winter, but one has been semi-reliable associating with a mixed flock in the Laguna Atascosa NWR Visitor Center trails, other Cameron County Tyrannulets have been reported from Adolph Thomae County Park in Arroyo City, and around the Resaca de la Palma SP parking lot. Other recent Tyrannulet locations include Bentsen State Park, the National Butterfly Center, Anzalduas County Park, Santa Ana NWR (all Hidalgo Co.), and the Harlingen Thicket.

Palm Warblers have been reported from several locations, including Old Port Isabel Rd. and UTRGV Brownsville. 

Sea watching has proven fruitful in the last couple of weeks, especially from the jetty on windy days. Recent notable sighting include Sooty Shearwater, Brown Booby, and Parasitic/Pomarine Jeagers.

The SOCIAL FLYCATCHER (fourth US record, first found in November 2021) at UTRGV Brownsville has not had a positive report since 1/7. The bird was usually on or near the land bridge (west end of the eastern resaca). Park at Lincoln Park and walk over. It has previously disappeared for a significant period of time before returning. 

Willacy County

A Ferruginous Hawk was photographed from the Raymondville Memorial Park Cemetery back on 12/30. 

Good Birding! 


Starr and Hidalgo County Reports Compiled by Tiffany Kersten (tiffanykersten@gmail.com) and Ryan Rodriguez.

Cameron and Willacy County Reports Compiled by Justin LeClaire (justin.leclaire87@gmail.com) and Javi Gonzalez. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

RGV Rare Bird Alert - Jan 16, 2023

A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you!

The Valley from West to East: 

Starr County

A wandering group of five BROWN JAYS (at least three immatures) were photographed on the trail at Salineno on 12/12. Only negative reports since. Tropical jays are notorious for wandering far distances, so keep an eye out for these anywhere in Starr or Zapata counties. No recent reports.

Morelet's Seedeaters have been sporadic near the west end of the trail at Salineno, more often heard than seen. Seedeaters are easier to find further up river and were at Bravo Park in Zapata County recently. 

Hidalgo County

A young male ROSE-THROATED BECARD has been present sporadically over the last few weeks at Bentsen State Park, wandering mostly between the Nature Center (south of the main gate) and the boat ramp, typically at or near the nature center. It was last reported near the Nature Center through at least 1/16.

A Red-breasted Nuthatch, a good bird for the RGV, has been present at Bentsen State Park wandering between the Headquarters and Nature Center / Maintenance Yard with a mixed flock through at least 1/14. 

Up to FOUR different Winter Wrens have been present at Bentsen State Park in various different areas. Most sightings have been from the headquarters and first section of road. Last reported at the visitors center on 1/16. 

A Brown Creeper was heard near feeder #3 at Bentsen on 12/6. It was heard again at the camping area on 12/14

It's been a phenomenal fall for HOOK-BILLED KITES, with up to seven being seen somewhat reliably near the Bentsen State Park hawk tower. They have been seen from the tram road and Roadrunner Trail in recent days, feeding in the trees north and west of the hawk tower. Walk very slowly and meticulously search the trees. It is very easy to walk right past one. When reporting, PLEASE include plumage details. The kites have started to be less reliable from down below but still around. They have ben seen soaring from the hawk tower recently as well. 

The National Butterfly Center has been hosting an Audubon's Oriole all across the gardens and trails. With it is an Audubon's x Altamira Oriole hybrid that hatched at the park earlier this year and the regular Altamiras. Be sure to check into the visitors pavilion on the way in.  

A male Black-headed Grosbeak was found at amphitheater feeding station at Quinta Mazatlan on 1/12, continuing through at least 1/14. 

Two Northern Flickers have been seen sporadically at Delta Lake Park on the northern side of the county. Last reported on 1/14

An adult male ROSE-THROATED BECARD was found and photographed on 1/6 at Estero Llano Grande State Park. The Becard was found in the tropical zone by the Pauraque rec hall feeding station. It was seen again the next day in the same general area but not since 1/7. 

A rare in winter Dickcissel continues at Estero through 1/15 at the feeding station by the VC bathrooms. 

Cameron County

Two Tropical Parulas (or possible hybrids) have been seen recently at Laguna Atascosa NWR visitor center near the photo blind, with at least one seen through 12/30. A Brown crested Flycatcher (rare in winter) has also been seen in the same area recently. 

A Glossy Ibis has been observed from the Laguna Atascosa NWR Osprey Overlook wandering the shoreline alone. 

A stunning adult male Tropical Parula has been coming into the bird bath at blind #3 of the Laguna Vista Nature Trail. Found on 12/27 and continues through 01/10. This bird seems to be on a routine and makes an appearance at the bird bath mostly between 3pm and 4pm.

Anther Tropical Parula was discovered at Resaca de la Palma SP on 1/12 and continues through 1/16 in the parking lot area and has been seen visiting the water feature at the bird blind behind the visitor center. 

A Groove-billed Ani has also been observed at the Laguna Vista Trails bird blind #3 in the late afternoon. 

At Palo Alto Battlefield, a Sage Thrasher continues through at least 1/14 and is mostly seen from the concrete sidewalk at the intersection of the Mexican battle line.

A Winter Wren was recently photographed along the land bridge behind the library at UTRGV Brownsville. A Zone-tailed Hawk has also been frequenting the area. 

Tyrannulets have few and far between this winter, but one has been semi-reliable associating with a mixed flock in the Laguna Atascosa NWR Visitor Center trails, other Cameron County Tyrannulets have been reported from Adolph Thomae County Park in Arroyo City, and around the Resaca de la Palma SP parking lot. Other recent Tyrannulet locations include Bentsen State Park, the National Butterfly Center, Anzalduas County Park, Santa Ana NWR (all Hidalgo Co.), and the Harlingen Thicket.

Palm Warblers have been reported from several locations, including Old Port Isabel Rd. and UTRGV Brownsville. 

Sea watching has proven fruitful in the last couple of weeks, especially from the jetty on windy days. Recent notable sighting include Sooty Shearwater, Brown Booby, and Parasitic Jeager.

The SOCIAL FLYCATCHER (fourth US record, first found in November 2021) continues at UTRGV Brownsville, usually on or near the land bridge (west end of the eastern resaca). Park at Lincoln Park and walk over. There have been no sightings for almost two weeks, last observation on eBird being on 1/7

Willacy County

A Ferruginous Hawk was photographed from the Raymondville Memorial Park Cemetary on 12/30. 

Good Birding! 


Starr and Hidalgo County Reports Compiled by Tiffany Kersten (tiffanykersten@gmail.com) and Ryan Rodriguez.

Cameron and Willacy County Reports Compiled by Justin LeClaire (justin.leclaire87@gmail.com) and Javi Gonzalez. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

LRGV Rare Bird Alert - Jan 10, 2023

 A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you!

General species notes: Golden-crowned Kinglets have invaded this year with individuals at most large parks and some even in residential neighborhoods. 

Lots of Bonapartes Gulls have pushed south this year with quite a few at inland sites and many at coastal sites. 

A good amount of Swainson's Hawks (rare in winter) have been flying around the valley the past couple of weeks.

The Valley from West to East: 

Starr County

A wandering group of five BROWN JAYS (at least three immatures) were photographed on the trail at Salineno on 12/12. Only negative reports since. Tropical jays are notorious for wandering far distances, so keep an eye out for these anywhere in Starr or Zapata counties. No recent reports.

Morelet's Seedeaters have been sporadic near the west end of the trail at Salineno, more often heard than seen. Seedeaters are easier to find further up river and were at Bravo Park in Zapata County recently. 

Hidalgo County

A young male ROSE-THROATED BECARD has been present sporadically over the last few weeks at Bentsen State Park, wandering mostly between the Nature Center (south of the main gate) and the boat ramp, typically at or near the nature center. It was last reported near the Nature Center through at least 1/8.

A Red-breasted Nuthatch, a good bird for the RGV, has been present at Bentsen State Park wandering between the Headquarters and Nature Center / Maintenance Yard with a mixed flock through at least 1/7. 

Up to FOUR different Winter Wrens have been present at Bentsen State Park in various different areas. Most sightings have been from the headquarters and first section of road. Last reported on 1/3. 

Three seasonally rare Hooded Orioles, two females and a young male, have been seen at Bentsen State Park, most commonly near the headquarters area, through at least 12/30. 

It's been a phenomenal fall for HOOK-BILLED KITES, with up to seven being seen somewhat reliably near the Bentsen State Park hawk tower. They have been seen from the tram road and Roadrunner Trail in recent days, feeding in the trees north and west of the hawk tower. Walk very slowly and meticulously search the trees. It is very easy to walk right past one. When reporting, PLEASE include plumage details. The kites have started to be less reliable from down below but still around. They have ben seen soaring from the hawk tower recently as well. 

The National Butterfly Center has been hosting an Audubon's Oriole all across the gardens and trails. With it is an Audubon's x Altamira Oriole hybrid that hatched at the park earlier this year and the regular Altamiras. Be sure to check into the visitors pavilion on the way in.  

The National Butterfly Center now has its own Winter Wren in the back gardens behind the feeding station.

A female ROSE-THROATED BECARD was seen at Santa Ana NWR, behind the visitor center, on 12/27. No positive reports since. 

An adult male ROSE-THROATED BECARD was found and photographed on 1/6 at Estero Llano Grande State Park. The Becard was found in the tropical zone by the Pauraque rec hall feeding station. It was seen again the next day in the same general area but not since.

Cameron County

Two Tropical Parulas (or possible hybrids) have been seen recently at Laguna Atascosa NWR visitor center near the photo blind, with at least one seen through 12/30. A Brown crested Flycatcher (rare in winter) has also been seen in the same area recently. 

A Glossy Ibis has been observed from the Laguna Atascosa NWR Osprey Overlook wandering the shoreline alone. 

A stunning adult male Tropical Parula has been coming into the bird bath at blind #3 of the Laguna Vista Nature Trail. Found on 12/27 and continues through 01/10. This bird seems to be on a routine and makes an appearance at the bird bath mostly between 3pm and 4pm. 

A Groove-billed Ani has also been observed at the Laguna Vista Trails bird blind #3 in the late afternoon. 

At Palo Alto Battlefield, a Sage Thrasher continues and is mostly seen from the concrete sidewalk at the intersection of the Mexican battle line.

A Winter Wren was recently photographed along the land bridge behind the library at UTRGV Brownsville. A Zone-tailed Hawk has also been frequenting the area. 

Tyrannulets have few and far between this winter, but one has been semi-reliable associating with a mixed flock in the Laguna Atascosa NWR Visitor Center trails, other Cameron County Tyrannulets have been reported from Adolph Thomae County Park in Arroyo City, and around the Resaca de la Palma SP parking lot. Other recent Tyrannulet locations include Bentsen State Park, the National Butterfly Center, Anzalduas County Park, Santa Ana NWR (all Hidalgo Co.), and the Harlingen Thicket.

Palm Warblers have been reported from several locations, including Old Port Isabel Rd. and UTRGV Brownsville. 

Sea watching has proven fruitful in the last couple of years, especially from the jetty on windy days. Recent notable sighting include Sooty Shearwater, Brown Booby, and Parasitic Jeager.

FORK-TAILED FLYCATCHER was found on Ted Hunt Road just north of FM510 near Bayview with a large group of scissor tails on 12/22. No positive reports since. Check eBird for coordinates. 

The SOCIAL FLYCATCHER (fourth US record, first found in November 2021) continues at UTRGV Brownsville, usually on or near the land bridge (west end of the eastern resaca). Park at Lincoln Park and walk over.

Willacy County

Another FORK-TAILED FLYCATCHER was found at the Raymondville Cemetery on___. No positive reports since. 

A Ferruginous Hawk was photographed from the Raymondville Memorial Park Cemetary on 12/30. 

Good Birding! 


Starr and Hidalgo County Reports Compiled by Tiffany Kersten (tiffanykersten@gmail.com) and Ryan Rodriguez.

Cameron and Willacy County Reports Compiled by Justin LeClaire (justin.leclaire87@gmail.com) and Javi Gonzalez. 

Monday, January 2, 2023

RGV Rare Bird Alert - Jan 2, 2023

A note on playback: Playback is strictly prohibited in ALL State Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and many if not all private nature parks. In addition to being potentially harmful to birds when used extensively, it is also disruptive towards other birders. Thank you!

General species notes: Golden-crowned Kinglets have invaded this year with individuals at most large parks and some even in residential neighborhoods. 

The polar vortex has dumped a fair number of Bonaparte's Gulls at various Hidalgo Co. sites. They are more numerous than usual on South Padre Island too. 

A good amount of Swainson's Hawks (rare in winter) have been flying around the valley the past week.

The Valley from West to East: 

Starr County

A wandering group of five BROWN JAYS (at least three immatures) were photographed on the trail at Salineno on 12/12. Only negative reports since. Tropical jays are notorious for wandering far distances, so keep an eye out for these anywhere in Starr or Zapata counties. No recent reports.

Morelet's Seedeaters have been sporadic near the west end of the trail at Salineno, more often heard than seen. Seedeaters are easier to find further up river and were at Bravo Park in Zapata County recently. 

Hidalgo County

A young male ROSE-THROATED BECARD has been present sporadically over the last few weeks at Bentsen State Park, wandering mostly between the Nature Center (south of the main gate) and the picnic area, last reported near the Nature Center through at least 1/1.

A Red-breasted Nuthatch, a good bird for the RGV, has been present at Bentsen State Park wandering between the Headquarters and Nature Center / Maintenance Yard with a mixed flock through at least 12/30. 

Up to FOUR different Winter Wrens have been present at Bentsen State Park in various different areas. Most sightings have been from the headquarters and first section of road. Last reported on 12/27. 

Three seasonally rare Hooded Orioles, two females and a young male, have been seen at Bentsen State Park, most commonly near the headquarters area, through at least 12/30. 

It's been a phenomenal fall for HOOK-BILLED KITES, with up to seven being seen somewhat reliably near the Bentsen State Park hawk tower. They have been seen from the tram road and Roadrunner Trail in recent days, feeding in the trees north and west of the hawk tower. Walk very slowly and meticulously search the trees. It is very easy to walk right past one. When reporting, PLEASE include plumage details. 

The National Butterfly Center has been hosting an Audubon's Oriole all across the gardens and trails. With it is an Audubon's x Altamira Oriole hybrid that hatched at the park earlier this year and the regular Altamiras. Be sure to check into the visitors pavilion on the way in.  

A female ROSE-THROATED BECARD was seen at Santa Ana NWR, behind the visitor center, on 12/27. No positive reports since. 

Cameron County

Two Tropical Parulas (or possible hybrids) have been seen recently at Laguna Atascosa, near the photo blind, with at least one seen through 12/30. A Brown crested Flycatcher (rare in winter) has also been seen in the same area recently. 

A stunning adult male Tropical Parula has been coming into the bird bath at blind #3 of the Laguna Vista Nature Trail. Found on 12/27 and continues through 01/02.

Tyrannulets have few and far between this winter, but one has been semi-reliable associating with a mixed flock in the Resaca de la Palma State Park general parking lot area. Other recent Tyrannulet locations include Bentsen State Park, the National Butterfly Center, Anzalduas County Park, Santa Ana NWR (all Hidalgo Co.), and the Harlingen Thicket.

A handful of Jeager reports were strung out along the gulf shore on 01/01 and a few more from 01/02. Most observations were made from the SPI Jetty, with a couple more coming from SPI beach and Boca Chica Beach. Sea watching has proven fruitful in the last couple of years, especially from the jetty on windy days. 

Most notable from the SPI Jetty on 01/01 was a Sooty Shearwater, a Texas Bird Records Commitee review species. Photos can be seen on eBird.

Several warbler species considered rare during the winter season in the RGV have been reported from scattered sites. An American Redstart (12/31), a female Black-throated Blue Warbler (12/31), and a Yellow Warbler have been reported from the UTRGV Brownsville Resaca Habitat. A Magnolia Warbler has been reported from Old Port Isabel Road (12/30). A Palm Warbler was observed at the SPI Birding & Nature Center on (01/01). Photos of these birds are desired by eBird reviewers. 

FORK-TAILED FLYCATCHER was found on Ted Hunt Road just north of FM510 near Bayview with a large group of scissor tails on 12/22. No positive reports since. Check eBird for coordinates. 

The SOCIAL FLYCATCHER (fourth US record, first found in November 2021) continues at UTRGV Brownsville, usually on or near the land bridge (west end of the eastern resaca). Park at Lincoln Park and walk over.

Willacy County

Another FORK-TAILED FLYCATCHER was found at the Raymondville Cemetery on___. No positive reports since. 

A Ferruginous Hawk was photographed from the Raymondville Memorial Park Cemetary on 12/30. 

Good Birding! 


Starr and Hidalgo County Reports Compiled by Tiffany Kersten (tiffanykersten@gmail.com) and Ryan Rodriguez.

Cameron and Willacy County Reports Compiled by Justin LeClaire (justin.leclaire87@gmail.com) and Javi Gonzalez.